Enhanced Locations

Available from $5/mo.
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Enhanced Locations

from $5/mo

You can add up to one location to your website for free, and that location's contact info will be used in your website's header and on your Contact Us page. The location can have a photo, contact info, driving directions, and business hours.

The Enhanced Locations upgrade adds a page for each location and increases the number of locations you can add to your website. It also allows you to specify more information about each location, including free-form content.

To see the Enhanced Locations upgrade in action, check out these pages on a sample website:

In addition, the Enhanced Locations upgrade integrates with the Enhanced Staff upgrade. When your website has both upgrades, each staff member can be associated with a location. When specified, the location where a staff member works will be linked from that staff member's page, and a link to that staff member's page will appear on the location page.

These integrations can be seen on the following pages of our Pacific View Insurance sample website:

Staff members can be associated with multiple locations, which is useful for floating staff or for anyone who is available to meet with customers at more than one location.