Form Builder

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Enhanced Forms

Form Builder

All Webtricity websites come with a few built-in forms for essential lead generation and service purposes, and those forms serve the needs of many of our customers.

But what if you want to take your website farther? Well now you can.

Webtricity has an integrated form builder you can use to customize the built-in forms and to create your own, as well as a form management interface, where you can add any of the product-specific quote forms available in our form library to your website.

The form builder is included as part of the Enhanced Forms upgrade.


The form builder supports many types of form fields — text fields for free-form fields (like name and message), select boxes for multiple-choice fields (like state), radio buttons for multiple-choice when there aren't many options (like a yes-or-no question), and more.

There's also built-in support for more advanced field options, like input mode (so you can show a phone-number keyboard for phone fields on mobile devices), field icon, and more.

Form Layouts

One nice feature of the form builder, which will help you design professional-looking forms, is the ability to control the width of each field or group of fields. Using field widths will allow you to place fields side-by-side, making better use of space and giving your forms a tidy look.

Which of the following two forms looks more professional, the one on the left where all the fields are the same size, or the tidier one on the right? Which do you think a lead is more likely to want to fill out?

Side-by-side form layout comparison


Also included in the upgrade is the ability to configure an Autoresponder, allowing your website to automatically email leads and customers when they fill out a form on your website.

More about Autoresponder

Form Builder Interface

Screenshot-like graphic showing part of a form in the form builder and the same part of that form on a website

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Enhanced Forms