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Choosing a Domain Registrar

Websites 101

Choosing a Domain Registrar

There are a LOT of choices when it comes to where to register a new domain name. A quick Google search will leave you wondering which one you should choose. Here are a few things to consider before clicking on the first link your mouse finds.

  1. Reliability - Is this a company you have heard of and trust with the safekeeping something as critical as your domain name?

  2. Security - Do they offer 2-factor authentication? What is their verification process when someone calls in to make changes to a domain account?

  3. 5 Year Cost - How much will you pay for 5 years of domain registration? The first year is often discounted to get you in the door - the subsequent years are often higher. A 5 year cost comparison is usually more accurate.

  4. Email Hosting - If you’re in the market for an email hosting provider, does this company offer a reliable, secure solution?

  5. DNS Management - How are the DNS records managed? Can you make the changes yourself, or do you have to submit a request to have it done? Are there any additional costs incurred for DNS management or changes?

  6. Domain Forwarding Cost - Do they charge for domain forwarding (redirecting alternate domains to your primary domain)?

  7. Customer Service - When you call to talk to someone in customer service, is it a good experience?

Registering a domain is just one step in the process of launching a new insurance agency website. Once you’ve checked this off your list, sign up for Webtricity and get a new, affordable website launched in as little as 15 minutes.